Monday, October 31, 2011

Poutine sounded like a good idea...

So I had lunch at the mall.  I admit it.  I ate poutine.  But there was a good reason for it!  I had been to South Street Burgers the week before and one of my dining-mates ordered poutine.  I didn't even know it was on the menu!  (Because I can't read?  Because I was overwhelmed?)  Hence, when I was at the mall the other day, I said "I'm gonna skip the 'healthy option' and go for poutine!"  It was OK at first.  Then there came a moment where I was like, "There is a lot of starch and fat in my mouth" and I got revolted and stopped eating. 
For supper we had a healthy lamb stew.  It was tasty, but it would have been nicer with polenta to mop up the sauce.

Friday, October 28, 2011

A chilling vision of things to come

I'm posting this to give you, my non-existent reader, an idea of the kinds of things you'll see on this blog.   If you read it.  Which you won't.  But I'm used to no one reading my stuff because I write technical documentation.

I also wanted to test out the image uploader, because I don't trust that these things work out-of-box.  I distrust anything that doesn't come with a 30 page end user doc.

Welcome to the inaugural post of Food I Have Eaten.   I ate stuff today, but I couldn't take pictures because my phone was pretty low on juice and I needed the power to, like, make phone calls.   Plus there were no snacks in the snack cupboard at work.  I was going to take a picture of the bare snack cupboard, but I decided against it when I discovered my officemates hovering around the breakroom like zombies, muttering "chiiiips...chiiiipsss.."

So you'll have to wait for exciting photos.  But you can.  Because there are, like, what, 0 of you reading this.